时间:2024-08-26 10:21:29 来源:用户投稿 作者:佚名 点击:34544次
DRV for systems which experience diverse draw-off between 0 - 41 GPM - 1.5” NPT connections.
+/-2°F DRV water temperature control at peak, moderate or zero fixture demand on hot water system designed for continuous recirculation
1˚F minimum recirculating water temperature differential
LCD display which indicates: set point, delivered temperature, error codes and alarm conditions capable of BAS and mobile connectivity
Programmable set point range of 81-158°F (27-70°C) capable of BAS or mobile monitoring and adjustment
Programmable thermal disinfection range of 158-185°F (70-85°C)
Programmable 1st level hi/lo temp alarm display capable of BAS or mobile alerting
Automatic safe closure of hot water inlet in response to: inlet supply failure, 110V power failure, or programmable high temperature error
Automatic safe closure of hot water inlet powered by a replaceable lithium battery monitored for low-level alerting
电话:021 5435 5437
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